Easter at MBC

Join us on Sunday, April 20th, to celebrate the resurrection!
-Two services: 9:00AM and 10:30AM
-mbcKIDs nursery to Pre-K age children available during the 10:30AM service only
- Classes for students or adults will not meet
See you there!


Holy Week

Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday

Celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus with us in-person or via mbcLIVESTREAM on Sunday, April 13th, at 9AM and 10:30AM.

Passover Seder
Passover Seder

Did you know that the Last Supper was a Passover celebration? Join us on Tuesday, April 15th, to discover how Jesus revealed Himself to His disciples as the Passover Lamb of God. Traditional Passover meal provided.
Registration is required, and spaces are limited.

Suggested attire: Sunday church clothes

Register here!

Easter Experience
Easter Experience

A hands-on, walk-through Holy Week experience targeting ages 3-12. Join us on Wednesday, April 16th at 5:30PM. All ages are welcome! Registration is required.

Register here!

Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday

At the Last Supper, Jesus commanded people to love one another; he then washed the feet of His disciples as a humble act of kindness. Join us on Thursday, April 17th, at 6:30pm in the Commons as we remember Jesus’ humility and love by taking communion together.

mbcKIDS programming will be unavailable; all ages are welcome to attend.

Good Friday Tenebrae Service
Good Friday Tenebrae Service

The word tenebrae is Latin for “shadows”. Imagine the darkness or shadows that fell over the earth following the death of Jesus. MBC observes Tenebrae to recreate the betrayal, abandonment, and agony of the events surrounding Jesus’ crucifixion and death. The time is left unfinished with silence and darkness because the story isn’t over until Easter morning. Join us on Good Friday, April 18th, at 6:30pm for our Tenebrae service.

mbcKIDS programming will be unavailable; all ages are welcome to attend.

Suggested attire: funeral clothing

Women at the Tomb
Women at the Tomb

Women of all ages are encouraged to meet at the cross on Sunday, April 20th, at 7am as we change the drapes on the cross. From death (black) to life (white)–Jesus has conquered the grave! This will be a sweet time to rejoice in an empty tomb and a risen Savior.


He is risen! Join us for our Easter services on Sunday, April 20th at 9:00AM or 10:30AM.

mbcKIDS will be provided for children from nursery age to Pre-K.

Podcast episodes for every week of Lent

"Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die.." John 11:25